Online Dating Site for Singles

Online dating has gained popularity over the years. Free online dating sites help in providing great opportunities to meet different people around the world.

Looking for True Love

ConnectingSingles is counted among the most trustworthy dating site.

Finding the Perfect Partner Online

Finding the perfect life partner has been made much easier with the opportunities online dating sites provide.

Single Connection

connectingsingles is a website which help to meet a special one.

Single Women Looking for Love Online

If you are a single woman and seeking for a right partner, join online dating sites because the perfect match for you would be available on the dating sites. Online dating sites help you to find a suitable partner.

Monday, March 9, 2020

4 Reasons to Use Online Dating Site

Gone are the days of frequenting the local bar with the hope of meeting the love of your life. In today’s day and age, more and more people are using dating sites to meet their better halves. Besides, dating online offers certain perks that are harder to come by when meeting people through traditional means. Dating websites allow you to get to know someone better before actually coming into contact with them. Most dating websites will allow you to view different user’s hobbies and interests before you even begin talking with them. With the rise in popularity of online dating, you can find a plethora of dating sites that can help you in finding the perfect partner online

Online dating sites not only help you find like-minded individuals from around the globe that have the same interests but also allow you to chat, share your photographs, videos and other details with your potential partner. Read on to find out four reasons to use online dating sites. 

    1. Date at all times of the day- Unlike the traditional dating where you have to set a specific time, using a dating site will give you the ability to date someone at any time of the day. Furthermore, there are no specific times you have to meet someone at a restaurant or bar and you certainly don’t have to pick up the date or wait for your date to pick you up. In the comfort of your own home, you can log in to your account and start talking to whoever you choose to. 

    2. More potential matches- Online dating websites offer thousands of profiles to choose from. All you need to do is simply browse through them to choose the ones which meet your requirements. Besides, you can easily find people with the same hobbies and interests from around the globe in no time.  

    3. Get to know someone before meeting them- Let’s face it, there is nothing worse than an awkward first date with awkward silences. Most dating websites will allow you to view someone’s profile and have a casual conversation with them. This will give you the opportunity to know their likes and dislikes and understand their interests, which can be helpful when you meet them in person.

    4. Easy to use- It goes without saying, that using a dating site is usually very easy and straightforward. Furthermore, the basic process normally consists of signing up with an email address, filling out your profile and searching for your potential match. When you find a profile that you like, it’s very easy to start a conversation. 

While these were some of the reasons to use an online dating site, there are many others, such as saves time, affordable among many others. Besides, you can find numerous dating websites that can help you in finding the perfect partner online. However, make sure to register only on reputed dating websites in order to find the right person. One of the recommended ones is Connecting Singles. Connecting Singles is a free online dating site where you can make friends, chat with other men and women and find your soulmate. 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Do’s and Don’ts of Online Dating Everyone Should Know

Whether you like it or hate it, you can’t ignore the fact that online dating is here to stay. Filtering through potential daters, flirting with strangers, liking random profiles, starting up conversations, etc. is the new norm in dating. Although it can get a little hairy sometimes, free online dating sites offer you hundreds of possible love interests right at your fingertips.

If you are new to the entire online dating scene, don’t need to be intimidated by the response. Here are a few do’s and don’ts to help you navigate free online dating sites like a pro:


    • Be honest

Be honest with your profile by uploading recent pictures and an honest description of yourself. Make sure your profile is flattering, detailed, and eye-catching. Make sure that all the information about yourself that you give out is true. This way people can know exactly what to expect when they meet you so that you can connect with people who are genuinely interested in your personality.

    • Meet in a public place

This one’s pretty obvious but it’s better to bring it up just to make sure. You’ll have plenty of time to Netflix and chill if you two hit it off, but don’t ever invite someone you hardly know over to your house or go over theirs. It’s imperative that if you meet someone in person whom you’ve only known from a free online dating site, your first date must happen in a public place to ensure your safety. 

    • Control your booze

Alcohol doesn’t assault people. People assault people. That said, all of us know that from experience that alcohol lowers your inhibitions and makes it difficult to be aware of your surroundings. So, when you meet someone whom you’ve only known from a free online dating site, make sure you have a great time but keep a count on the number of drinks you have. Instead of gulping down beer after beer, try sticking to a single glass of wine. 

    • Be safe

Take things slowly and be safe in your free online dating site endeavors. Establish certain boundaries when it comes to online dating. If they look great in their profile picture doesn’t necessarily mean that they are a good human being. We understand that it’s easy to get swept off your feet in the excitement of new opportunities but take things slowly. 


    • Don’t let your date pick you up

Having your online date pick you up for your first date is a horrible idea. Not only you’ll be giving a stranger your address but you’ll also be in a car with a stranger. While it may sound romantic to share a ride with someone, it's always ideal to either take an Uber or take public transportation instead. You can always drive yourself to the date and it might come handy as a quick getaway if things get weird with your date.

    • Don’t go solo

Always let your friends or family members know your whereabouts when you plan to go on dates with strangers. Tell your best friend about the first date and ask them to check up on you via a phone call. It’s always good to let people who are close to you to know about your whereabouts when you hang out with strangers. Give all the proper information about where you are going, who you’re going with and when you expect to be home. Give them the information about your date such as their phone number and name. 

    • Don’t get stuck

Seeing multiple people isn’t bad when you are using a free online dating site. Just be true to yourself and everyone you are seeing. Don’t pin all your hopes on one person and have a few upcoming dates lined up.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Know a Few Reasons to Prefer Online Dating Sites

These days, getting a date is extremely easy due to the availability of free online dating sites. Thanks to online dating sites on the internet, it has become hooking up with someone easier than ever. 

 Dating is inevitable while there are some people who have not yet put online dating into consideration because they do not believe in the effectiveness of these sites. If you are one of those, know the following reasons why you should register with an online dating site and date online:

Get a wide variety of potential partners

There is a wide variety of potential partners to choose from online dating sites. Everyone has different taste and finding from more choices make it easy to find a perfect match. On signing up, you need to create a profile to begin your searches. Make sure to add the right information about yourself in your profile as it will give you a better opportunity to pick the best partner.

Make a good choice

Free online dating sites for singles have different people from different parts of the world. This means you will have the opportunity to meet like-minded people or choose someone with similar interests and hobbies. Indeed, it is a positive sign of a relationship if the couple shares similar thoughts with other people of the same interest. The best part is that no one imposes anyone on you as you will have the freedom to choose the partner according to your taste.

Free to join

One of the major reasons people all over the world love online dating is that they do not have to pay to sign up. The no registration fee service in the majority of the online dating sites has made dating affordable to everyone. There are some sites that demand paid membership and when creating profiles on those sites, make sure to be truthful with your information.

It is always preferable to join an online dating site that offers a free service. This is because free service is always better especially when using a new website.

Communicate effectively with other members

Good communication is the key to dating and online dating sites know this thing. So, online dating sites have made communication easy and effective which allows the members to communicate quickly and easily. Free online dating sites for singles are also a good platform for people who feel shy talking with strangers. This is the medium through which they can connect with a partner easily.

Now, if you know the importance of a dating site and want to set up the date online, choose the online dating site which is best for you. If you value your money, go for the free online dating site which offers a free trial period.

Connecting Singles prides itself on providing the free online dating service to the people who are in search of their soul mate. It is a great free online dating site for singles where you can have the best quality in service and security.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Trend of Free Online Dating Sites for Singles Nowadays

Now, getting connected with other singles on free online dating sites for singles is completely free. Some platforms are basic and only offer free dating, while others go further with the incorporation of photo personal ads, matchmaking and singles. Viewing this, we can conclude that connecting with quality singles is not difficult. In fact, you can connect with people for marriage, romance or friendship. Free sites also offer free email and extensive search. All this comes with no additional cost. 

Today’s best dating sites have amazing features that are completely free. Online dating in today’s world is now something that has no cost. In the end, people interested in finding love has nothing to lose, on the contrary, they can effortlessly gain. 


Registration on these sites is also free. Registration instructions are very simple and won’t take 5 minutes. The trick lies in creating a fun profile with interesting photos to attract more people. Uploading photos and information should not take you so long. The registration link is normally visible all over the site for new visitors. 

What’s the catch about Connecting Singles?

Today’s dating sites are devoted to their members. They constantly update their interface look and introduce new designs for ease of use. These features help people get better exposure.

On free online dating sites for singles, it is important to add multiple photos, create a Favorites list, use advanced searching and matching systems and block members that are irritating. 

However, there are dating sites that claim to be free but in the end, they charge you a fee. Whenever you sign up for a platform like this, make sure registration, extensive searching and viewing profiles and private photos are completely free. Some sites even charge a fee for contacting premium members or viewing photos. 

The good news is that there are still many free online dating sites for singles that don’t charge you a fee for this. They allow you to view photos, profiles and contact people without the need of using coupons or credit cards. 

Ease of Use

Have you ever entered a site that is simply too complicated? Maybe you have and you left that site in minutes. Quality free online dating sites for singles don’t make you figure out where you are and how to browse when there, because they are really easy to use. 

They actually add more features to make browsing easier. The simplicity of a free online dating site for singles is described by the design and the position of links you see when you log in. 


There is a myriad of ways to connect with singles but this basically depends on your style. Some people take dating sites very seriously. They actually have a specific shopping list of the criteria that others must meet for a connection. Others, however, don’t take these sites seriously and open a general search to see what they can find there. In most cases, people find them, and not the opposite. You also have to specify what you are looking for, being that not all are not looking for love, actually. Make this information clear to streamline the search process. 

Connecting Singles is one of the best examples of free online dating sites for singles. It is free and its interface makes online dating pretty simple. Feel free to pop over to this site and take a glance at the profiles. 

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Know the Pros and Cons of Free Online Dating Sites

Free online dating sites are very popular among people of different age groups. These sites have changed millions of lives by allowing them to meet their life partner easily. For some people, creating an account on dating sites is sufficient; however, this is not true if you want to meet the lifelong partner.

What is online dating?

Online dating is a process of getting in touch with others by communicating through the internet. A large number of people around the world use either paid or free online dating site to interact with new people. The most preferred is free online dating sites as these free sites allow people of all ages to meet their partners for free. The best part about these sites is that you do not need to travel far or even step out of your home while searching the right partner. Moreover, singles will have numerous options to choose the best one. The process of searching begins with creating a profile so that others can see if your profile is right for them in terms of compatibility and other aspects that everyone considers before starting communication.

The Pros

  • The biggest benefit of free online dating sites is the cost. Initially, it is free but you can pay for more and better services.
  • The users will have a pool of choices to choose from and this will increase the probability of finding the compatible partner.
  • The users will have a chance to meet like-minded people or people like them having the same choices.
  • These sites work for everyone including students, older ones and even for people who prefer interracial dating.
  • Whether you are specific about appearance, caste, religion or any other aspect, you will have the option to filter people as per your choice and requirements.
  • There is no risk involved in signing up to the free online dating sites. Right from sharing your personal information to the photographs you add, all will be safe.
  • Another good thing about free online dating sites is the time they allow you to spend. You will have greater time to know well first before planning to meet them.
  • Although these sites are free but provide all the standard features that are required to communicate well with strangers. This includes searching by location, sending text messages, emails and access to both audio and video calls. 

The Cons

  • The biggest drawback of online dating sites is the increased risk of scams. Some sites verify profile and remove suspicious people, so it is good for you to remain attentive while creative accounts on these sites. 
  • Try not to interact with people who use false pictures, generally, use pictures from the internet or set model shots.
  • Another risk involved in the quality of members which makes you search thoroughly before you start interacting with that person. Also, you can find them on another social media site to know their exact details.

It cannot be denied that online dating sites give a great opportunity to connect with other people but it is good to create an account on reputed sites. This will bring the desired results for you and decreases the risk of being scammed.

Connecting Singles is a great platform that offers a strong user base of potential dates. This free online dating site will increase the chances of meeting your special someone.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Find Your Women Dating Partner

At present, in today’s modern world the internet has become the new source of meeting, dating and starting a relationship, it does not matter where you are located in the world. The internet as a station makes it possible for everybody to make a relationship by knowing each other before the final physical meeting. Women looking for women can also find it online easily. The internet is a source to start with the formal conversation and to know if you want to go any further or not.

There are so many sites that one can visit and sign up to meet women. The best part of these sites is that you can meet women of different nationalities easily. You can find your dating lady partner from anywhere in the world and now it is not like that you just stick to your neighborhood and even there it is not guaranteed that you will find your partner. 

If you are internet savvy and yahoo messenger, you must have noted that the chat rooms have various categories where you can find women looking for women can meet each other as well and chat privately. There are many other sites that you can try as well if you are not offended by the L-word. The over 40 single is another site for those who are over 40 and seeking dating women partners. This site provides all the variations like women looking for women, men seeking men, men seeking women, and women seeking men, etc. 

There are several dating sites in the whole internet world and if you are from the UK, the Friends united is an exclusive UK site where you can easily talk and chat over here to find the person of your choice. Connecting singles is also one such platform where people of different origins meet each other.

All you need is to sign up on these sites and make your profile interesting and beautiful to get the attention. Your profile matters a lot because only by seeing it, the daters will ping you or will avoid you. Write about yourself and your hobbies with emphatic style and if you do that smartly that will be like heaven opening for you. 

You can share your interests and what you are looking for in your women's dating partner. Whatever you just want to have, you can have, just a dating or serious relationship, everything is available. It is sure that you cannot meet everyone and if you are looking for a serious relationship make sure you maintain a balance of interaction. Finding the exact match of your dream women could be difficult but not impossible. 

Both married, as well as single women looking for women partners, are not shy at all and they are quite open about it. Moreover, women looking for women can also be worked out through their friends as well they can help you in hooking up and provide you someone with similar interests.
There is a great number of up-surge in women looking for women sites in the last fifteen years. You would be surprised to know that being at your home you can join millions of other women seeking to have a relationship with another woman. The connecting singles are one such platform where women can find their women dating partners more easily. 

Monday, July 8, 2019

Find your Right Partner with Free Online Dating Sites

If you are wondering how to find your right partner online, then you should stop worrying and should join an online dating site. Finding the right partner online is not a difficult task with online dating sites. Gone is the time when people need to spend their time in coffee shops to find their partner in life. 

There is no doubt that online dating sites are a great platform to meet singles who are looking for a date or maybe a long term relationship. These online dating sites for singles have really made it easy for single people to find like-minded singles in their area. 

The best thing with these free online dating sites for singles is that they are not only free but also they are full of profiles. It allows single people to enjoy going through various profiles and also helps them decide whether the person they are selecting is right or not.  In order to start with the process, singles need to create an account with the free dating sites. They just need to post their profiles along with their attractive photos so that they can get immediate responses. As such, these sites do not provide any guarantee that singles will be able to find their right partner.  This is because the results can vary from person to person and also on how much time they are spending on this task.  Also, it also depends on the way the profiles are presented.

In order to attract more and more people towards your profile, it is required to make your profiles precise and very interesting.  There is no time restriction too, about how long it would take to find the right partner. It entirely depends on the user how hard he is making an effort to find a partner. 

To conclude, the world of online dating has really become popular as it offers both success and convenience to the users.  The good thing is that single people seeking partners online can do this for free with online dating websites. This modern century connects women with their partners very easily and conveniently. The other good part is that you can find them in the comfort of your place as you just need a smart device along with an internet connection.  You do not require driving around your area to meet with men and all you need to do is to join a free dating service by adding your required details. 

Remember, if you are using online free online dating sites for singles for the first time or are afraid of sharing your personal details, you can even use false names and the contact services. This is because you should never provide your real details, especially an address, email or geographical until you are absolutely sure of the person with whom you are communicating.

So, if you are single and looking for your partner, then find it conveniently at Connecting Singles. It is a leading as well as a trustworthy free online dating site that can help you find your right partner.